Piercing Price List
Prices below are inclusive of Titanium Jewellery
Book your piercing appointment by calling 02086887995 or CLICK HERE
Ear & Facial Piercings
Lobe - £25/ £40 Pair
Cartlilage/ Helix - £25
Tragus - £30
Rook - £30
Conch - £30
Forward Helix- £30
Daith - £35
Industrial/ Scaffold - £40
Snug - £30
Anti - Tragus - £30
Flat - £30
Navel - £35
Nipple - £35/ Pair £60
Surface Piercing - £60
Dermal Anchor - £60 (£40 for each additional)
Nose - £30
Septum - £40
Lip - £35
Tongue - £40
Smiley - £35
Medusa - £35
Reverse Labret - £35
Eyebrow - £35
Bridge - £40
If you do not see the piercing you would like please contact the studio on 02086887995 or email info@eyeforink.co.uk